在国际建筑师协会主任玛丽·克兰(左一)主持的座谈中, 教务长兼院长大卫·奎格利(右一), 学生事务副主席乔伊·摩尔说, 以及负责宣教和事工的副总裁杰克·巴特勒, S.J., discussed  strengths and opportunities regarding formation at 电子游戏软件. (李Pellegrini)

电子游戏软件的许多关键方面都植根于耶稣会, 尤其是它很深, 长期致力于形成性教育. The two-day campus conference “Formative Education: Mapping the Terrain,,于11月14日和15日在校园内举行, 这是有史以来第一次多人聚会, 经常合作, contributors to formation across the University—with a goal of integrating these efforts, regarded as a critical step toward solidifying the University's leadership in the field.

Organized by Lynch School of Education and Human Development Professor Dennis Shirley and Associate Professor Cristiano Casalini, and co-sponsored by the Lynch School and BC’s Institute for the Liberal Arts, the convening at Gasson Hall was kicked off by Lynch School Dean 斯坦顿华生, whose school has made educating the whole child a differentiating principle of its approach to education.

“What makes BC’s commitment to formative education so distinctive is its already well-developed cluster of activities and programs focused on formation, and the cross-campus synergies that have evolved over that last 20 years,沃瑟姆说。, 查尔斯F号. 多诺万,年代.J.院长.  “We now have the opportunity to seize the historical moment to refocus education on the broader dimensions of life versus the exclusive drive for content knowledge.”

今天的第一个小组讨论是“电子游戏软件的形成性教育”,,由国际电影协会主任玛丽·克兰主持, 和教务长兼院长大卫·奎格利一起, 学生事务副主席乔伊·摩尔说, 和杰克·巴特勒, S.J., the Haub Vice President for Mission and Ministry—brought together University leaders to consider formation at BC, 以及如何改进.  

摩尔说:“我们需要把学生的声音带到讨论中来。.  “They have come to BC with a commitment to formative education; they’ve bought in, too.  We should seek every opportunity to create more opportunities for dialogue with students, 与他们接触,帮助他们建立思想, body, 和精神, 并帮助他们成为强有力的自我倡导者.”

What makes BC’s commitment to formative education so distinctive is its already well-developed cluster of activities and programs focused on formation, and the cross-campus synergies that have evolved over that last 20 years. We now have the opportunity to seize the historical moment to refocus education on the broader dimensions of life versus the exclusive drive for content knowledge.
斯坦顿华生, , 查尔斯·F. 多诺万,年代.J.林奇教育与人类发展学院院长

Fr. Butler stressed the importance of universally defining formative education at BC, 并提醒观众,“形成是学生的工作。, 而英国广播公司的作用是促进它,通常是通过创建软技能开发的“实验室”来实现的.

He also noted the sobering reality that the Jesuit legacy at the heart of formative education will need to “live on through our students and faculty, 因为耶稣会士已经所剩无几了”.

Quigley said BC needs to reinforce its ongoing commitment to the intentional integration of resources that reflect the Jesuit tradition and to a liberal arts education, citing the Schiller Institute for Integrated Science and Society and the recently launched Prison Education Program at MCI Shirley as prime examples of that allegiance.

今天的第二个小组, “注重本科生和电子游戏正规平台生的培养,,由梅根·斯威尼主持, an associate professor of the practice in the Theology Department and the Cooney Family director of the PULSE Program for service learning.  艾米·拉科姆也加入了她的行列, the associate dean for undergraduate curriculum at the Carroll School of Management; Center for Student 形成 Executive Director Mike Sacco; and Filippa Anzalone, professor and associate dean for library and technology services at BC Law School.  作为被告的是伯特·豪厄尔, 十字路口的执行董事, a program that helps faculty and staff explore the Jesuit and Catholic mission of 电子游戏软件.

形成性教育的目的不是千篇一律的过程, 宣布的焦点在于, but a means to help students to “listen to their authentic voices” and to “make a habit of reflection.” He also underscored the importance of “carving out structured spaces and models to examine their lives, 然后根据需要重新校准, and noted the lack of publicly available campus venues for organized formation activities.


莫里西学院院长格雷戈里·卡尔舍尔,S.J., 社会工作学院院长Gautam Yadama说, 林奇学院院长斯坦顿·沃瑟姆, 神学院院长托马斯·斯缇格曼, S.J., and Connell School of Nursing Dean Susan Gennaro discussed next steps for formative education at 电子游戏软件. (彼得·朱利安)

Other events included the screening of two videos produced by the Office of University Communications that visually capture BC’s leadership in formative education, 晚上还有詹姆斯·亚瑟的演讲, director of the Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues at Birmingham University’s School of Education in the UK.

会议的第二天有两个小组讨论, 一个圆桌会议, 米歇尔·狄龙的演讲院长 of the College of Liberal Arts and professor of sociology at the University of New Hampshire, 《后世俗天主教:相关性与电子游戏正规平台》一书的作者.

晨间小组, “历史, 神学, 以及关于形成的哲学观点,,由神学院教授Thomas Groome主持, included Philosophy faculty members Associate Professor Jeffrey Bloechl and Associate Professor of the Practice Mary Troxell, 克里斯托弗·希金斯, 林奇学校教师教育的副教授, 特殊教育, 课程 & 指导部门.

下午的座谈, “今天的地层:绘制地形”,,由斯科特·塞德主持, 林奇学院应用发展系副教授 & 教育心理学.  Joining him were Boisi Professor of Education and Public Policy and Education 电子游戏正规平台 Henry Braun, STM执业副教授特里萨·奥基夫, 拉里·勒德洛, 林奇计量学教授兼主席, 评价, 统计数据 & 评估部门.

Concluding the conference was a discussion of “The Future of 形成; Our Next Steps,” chaired by Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences Dean Gregory Kalscheur, S.J. Discussants included Wortham and fellow BC deans Susan Gennaro of the Connell School of Nursing, 社会工作学院的Gautam Yadama说, 还有托马斯·斯缇格曼, S.J.他是神学与事工学院的教授.

Fr. Kalscheur said “ongoing faculty formation will be necessary to sustain formative education for our students,” and “faculty must strive for integration as well” if BC’s formative education initiative will thrive in the future.  

沃瑟姆说,不列颠哥伦比亚省处于“优势地位”,鉴于“大量的地层活动已经在进行中”,” but he noted that the University must “take advantage of the synergies” on campus, and do “a better job of connecting if we hope to improve what we’re doing.” 

Phil Gloudemans |大学传播