
大学是学者们互相交谈的地方. 大学和这些对话一样重要. Hence the Institute sponsors a considerable number of interdisciplinary faculty seminars and international seminars. The interdisciplinary faculty seminars meet regularly to address from a variety of disciplines the issues that emerge in the encounter between faith and culture. The seminars continue for some three to four years and have typically resulted in a volume of essays, 学术期刊, 国际会议, 或者是一系列的讲座. 


This seminar provides an important cross-disciplinary opportunity for 实践教授 to meet, 讨论教学的乐趣和挑战, and share in purposeful fellowship as we consider the big questions facing our undergraduate students today and how we can best serve to guide them to constructive solutions and to open doors to campus-wide conversations. 同时, 我们更多地了解彼此的工作,以及我们如何在电子游戏正规平台中相互支持, 写作, 和服务. 以伊格那爵的优良传统, we seek to respond generously to God's call that has led us to our own professions in order to love and serve our students and each other in concrete ways. 



一个研讨会, designed to integrate junior faculty members into the BC academic community by providing a forum for them to discuss their own work in progress. The idea is to demonstrate how research and collaborative interchange are possible in a modern university, and how it is valuable for us to have opportunities to talk about the interconnections between our lives, 我们的教学, 还有我们的电子游戏正规平台和写作项目, sharing our work even across the disciplinary boundaries that define the modern university.



作为对教皇方济各 《电子游戏软件》通谕, a working group of faculty across the university developed a four day conference in September 2015 entitled 我们共同的家园. 发言的有红衣主教彼得·特克森、参议员爱德华·马基和博士. 约翰·霍尔德伦(看到网站). 鉴于它的成功, the Working Group now seeks to sponsor a variety of events and programs to raise university consciousness about the issues of 我们共同的家园.



The seminar is a cross section of staff and administrators at 电子游戏软件 to engage in conversations with one another about our work here, 我们是如何与大学联系在一起的, 并讨论有关社区建设的话题.




这次研讨会的目的不是制定政策, but rather to entertain questions about how Catholicism can and does influence our understanding of the university, 尤其是像电子游戏软件这样的主要电子游戏正规平台机构.  根据强调学生培养的新大学战略计划, 以共同利益为导向的电子游戏正规平台/奖学金, 以及全球拓展, the seminar will consider Catholicism’s influence with not only the university’s mission, 还有大学特有的文化, 教师电子游戏正规平台/奖学金, 招聘政策, 学生事务, 发展, 实际的身份, 等.

宗教与现代国家:相互迁就(2017年秋季- 2019年春季)

This seminar aims to support the many excellent scholars thinking about religion and politics on our faculty by assembling them from the far corners of the university into an interdisciplinary community. 顾名思义, we hope to bring together not just experts on the relationship between religion and the state, 广泛的解释, 但也有电子游戏正规平台“双方”如何相互适应的专家. We will take an expansive view of these questions and want to include a variety of scholarly and intellectual approaches.

Spiritual Practice, Compassion, and the Transformation of Desire (Fall 2016–Spring 2017) 

This faculty seminar conducts an interdisciplinary investigation into the dynamics of human desire and the spiritual practices that allow human persons to become more free and compassionate. 注重各种苦行僧, 沉思, 审美, and ethical practices that have as their aim the discernment and transformation of human desire, the seminar also draws upon the distinctive contributions that scientific and humanistic disciplines can make to understanding the barriers to and cultivation of compassion.

经济不平等(2015年秋季- 2016年春季)

The seminar is examining the phenomenon of economic inequality from an interdisciplinary perspective with faculty representing five of the university's schools. There is a dual focus on when does economic inequality become pernicious and what strategies might be employed to alleviate the worst consequences of the growing gap between rich and poor in the U.S.

心理健康、痛苦和耻辱(2015年秋季- 2016年春季) 

既是校园内外的电子游戏正规平台人员,也是校园内的专业人士, 我们解决这三个问题. 我们希望从跨学科的角度来看待耻辱, suffering and mental health play out on our campus and how we investigate it in our research. We are currently each presenting our interests and work and from there will decide on projects for the University community.


This seminar addresses the questions surrounding the apparent absence of meaning inherent in the 20th Century's loss of traditional ethics and belief systems. The participants in this seminar strive to find the value still available in the narrative of the new millennium by exploring the forms of meaning, transcendence and ethical value to be found in the arts and thought of the 21st century and beyond.


4月23日, 1998, the Jesuit Institute sponsored a public discussion entitled "The Holocaust: Remembering for the Future,这一事件引起了广泛的兴趣. 教师 members from various departments within the University formed a seminar to continue the discussions with a collaborative analysis of the present state of Jewish / Christian relations and of the theologies by which each community understands itself and its relationship the the other.


The seminar explores the widespread alienation from religion among American intellectuals and professional elites in media. 它解决了一种使这些社区中的许多人充满敌意的文化氛围, 持怀疑态度, or indifferent to religious claims and has fostered a dismissal of religious discourse or institutions. 这次研讨会试图评估这种情况.e., 探索其起源影响, 它存在的各种形式, 以及它在美国文化中的影响.