
The STM experience is so much more than education. It emphasizes the formation of 学生 as whole people, helping them grow and flourish throughout the intellectual, 精神上的, 部长级, and human dimensions of their lives.

The Four Dimensions of 形成


知识探究, 持续的质疑, 共同追求知识——这些价值观一直是耶稣会的核心, Catholic theological traditions. 我们的知识形成方法优先考虑严谨的学术电子游戏正规平台,提升这些价值观,并对当地和全球社区产生积极影响.


在STM, 我们相信神学绝不能仅仅是一种学术电子游戏正规平台——它必须是个人的, 精神上的 pursuit that actively envelops one’s entire being. 这就是我们为学生提供各种反思机会的原因, 祈祷, 敬拜, 撤退, and 精神上的 direction. 我们的许多学位课程包括有意的精神形成的组成部分, 我们的学生是波士顿地区信仰团体的重要成员.


How will you serve and lead? Who do you want to become? These questions imbue everything we do, from curricula to student support, immersion experiences abroad, and service opportunities here in Greater Boston. 教授, 管理员, 同学们都鼓励学生参与课堂之外的活动,并重视他们带回的见解.


All across campus and in parishes across Greater Boston, 我们的学生面临的挑战是成长为部长级领导人,并通过监督部门的安排脱颖而出. 他们在各种项目中担任导师并进行确认, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, and faith formation programs. 这些经历, 反过来, 塑造课堂对话并告知职业识别的过程.

Sr. 芭芭拉·奎因,RSCJ


STM的管理人员、教职员工将他们的日常工作视为一种事工、一种使命. 我们的承诺是提供最好的个性化课程,使每个学生在智慧和优雅中不断成长,并随着成熟而发展, well-rounded ministers for the Church and the world today.
Sr. 芭芭拉·奎因,R.S.C.J., Associate Director of 精神的形成

形成 Opportunities



Our Approach: Formative Theological Education

Reflect, discern, and grow—in the classroom and beyond.

在接受STM的使命的同时,在智力、精神和社交方面发展. 了解我们培养心灵和思想的综合教育方法.


Meet two alumni and hear about what drew them to STM.

朱莉娅·诺沃特尼,硕士.Div. 女校友

约书亚·梅菲尔德,m.s.A. 校友

International Experiences

Whether they are traveling to El Salvador and the U.S.墨西哥边境, exploring Greater Boston, or attending exchange programs around the world, STM的学生发现了许多与普世教会建立联系的机会, become more alive to the world's needs, and serve as women and men for and with others.

