Strategic Direction I

通过持续关注核心课程,重新设想电子游戏软件的文科教育, enhancing faculty quality and engagement, 并充分利用莫里西文理学院本科课程的优势, Carroll School of Management, Connell School of Nursing, and Lynch School of Education and Human Development.

From its beginning in the 16th century, 耶稣会教育旨在培养有能力和热情的领袖, individuals who could be a leaven for good. It has encouraged students to explore the liberal arts, courses in such disciplines as literature, philosophy, classical and modern languages, the natural sciences, and theology. In the process, 这种方法加深了对人类意义的理解, free, and responsible, and promotes inquiry and engagement, especially in regard to contemporary issues.

当今社会面临的许多问题需要跨越传统学科界限的新思维和解决方案. The University will, therefore, 继续努力培养一种越来越重视创造力的教育文化, interdisciplinary collaboration, and entrepreneurship, 这为学生提供了将传统文科学科与专业准备和职业识别相结合的机会.

It proposes to implement this Strategic Direction by:

  • 重申核心课程是电子游戏软件本科体验的基础;
  • 通过聘用和奖励致力于高质量教学的教师,加强电子游戏软件的学生体验, research, and mentorship;
  • leveraging the strengths of the four undergraduate schools and developing additional undergraduate opportunities utilizing resources and possibilities within these academic units; and
  • investing additional resources in enrollment management.