Rebekah Levine Coley

Department Chair, Counseling, Developmental, 和 Educational Psychology

Professor, Applied Developmental & Educational Psychology

Lynch School of Education


Dr. Coley's research centers on delineating the key family, school, 和 community processes which transmit economic 和 social inequality to children’s 和 adolescents’ development. Her specific research foci include: family 和 community poverty; housing 和 community development; family structure 和 parenting; father involvement; early childhood education; 和 youth health risk behaviors. A leader with several international professional associations, Coley was recently elected co-chair of the Policy 和 Communications Committee at the Society for Research in Child Development. She’s also co-chair of the Social Policy Committee at the Society for Research on Adolescence 和 a Consulting Editor with Child Development. Coley's work has appeared in publications as diverse as Science 和 Teen Vogue.